
Silhouettes, part quatre

This quote and silhouette pairing is so pretty, I'm tempted to print it out and put it in a frame on my wall. I couldn't find an original source for this, but I found it on Yes and Yes (and Sarah Von is a genius - maybe she made this? With help from Buddha of course...).

And just because it never hurts to throw in another silhouette, here's a sweet one that's cross-stitched and custom-made just for you (or the luckiest friend ever, if you get this as a gift).

Available from The Time Is Now on Etsy. Spotted on Twig & Thistle.

Want more silhouette madness? Parts une, deux and trois for ya (and a bonus!).

1 comment:

  1. I, for one, am dismayed (not really)that you failed to post on the significance of 420 on 4/20! Buddah would be disappointed.
