
Quit your foolin': food for those in need

Yes, today is April Fool's Day and, yes, I was very tempted to put a bucket of water above the door this morning to drench B. Unfortunately, we don't really have any doors that we close around here, and I'd probably end up cleaning up the mess anyway, so it just wasn't worth it.

But something that is worth it on this day is April Food Day. Today, April 1, the blogosphere is joining together to try to help those in this country who are starving and in need. A note from Meg of Pigtown Design (wut wut, Maryland!), the blogger who organized this second annual drive:

Please make a donation to Feeding America, or your local food bank, and count yourself as one of the lucky ones if you’re not going to bed hungry every night. Feeding America has set up a special URL for April Food Day so they can see how much we've donated.

I know things are tighter for everyone this year, but this is certainly a worthy cause.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox now. Thanks for reading and any help you can give.

And now back to our regularly scheduled drivel. ;)

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